
Thank u for following me❤❤❤❤
          I hope you like my story too
          I will be glad if you tell me your views on the same
          Thanking you
          Aaradhya Arora


@Aaradhyarora ok so let's be very honest with u I have been reading ur story from a very long time found it on the trending list ( u can call me a sileent reader and I'm sorry for that) but just today I was going through my following list and I realised that I'm not following u that's my bad I can surely give u a vote but I'm not gonna tell u my views as I belive that who am I  I'm nobody to judge or comment on somebody work( I know this sound weird)but I appreciate ur work and hard work behind it  that's all I can say 


Thanks a lot for following me 


So u love writing han what u do other than writing ?


@munsen12 ok.do read and let me know how you feel.