
Third chapter is finally up! Don't be afraid to let me know what you think. Have a great night beauties and PLEASE stay safe!


Hello you undeniably gorgeous beings! I hope this post finds you all being the absolute baddies I know you are! I hope all my followers still use Wattpad because after seven years, I still do. Wow... I'm old. I've finally found the confidence within myself to write and post a story on here. Phew it's been a long time coming chile. *wipes brow* Hopefully the story interests you guys and you'll have time to read it. I'll be posting another chapter by the end of the night and I'll make sure to post weekly. Alright, Alright, I'm done lol. Have a great rest of your week and PLEASE stay safe!


@foreveryoung1223 Aww thank you. Makes me want to write another chapter. I'm gonna start tomorrow. Thanks for the support ⊙﹏⊙. 


No worries, your welcome. And that's awesome! Going to be looking forward to that update ;)-xoxo