
@JesterSeraph I'm growing tired of this. So let me put it very frankly- There is no argument that you could give that will change my mind. I will continue to post on threads, I will follow the rules the website has given me, but I will say what I want. I do not particularly care about what you and your buddies think of me. 
          	Oh, and one more thing- I'm irritated, not angry. You would know if I was angry.


I'm sorry to have irritated you, as well as take up so much of your time on a pointless argument.
          Anyways if you choose not to change your mind, that's perfectly fine. I'm glad you're telling me this so that I don't continue burning time as well. All I'd like to ask of you is to not call people on the post patrol "wannabe moderators." As far as I know there isn't a single one of us that dreams of becoming a moderator on Wattpad. We're just honest people helping out. If anything calling us that is offensive and really doesn't do anything good for us. I doubt you'd like it if people on the forums called you autistic for voicing your opinions.
          Thanks for taking all the time to answer my questions and giving me some insight on how people who dislike the post patrol think. Again, sorry for the irritation and good luck with your books!
          If you're ever in Toronto and want to grab a coffee and chat, I'd be happy to ;P


@JesterSeraph I'm growing tired of this. So let me put it very frankly- There is no argument that you could give that will change my mind. I will continue to post on threads, I will follow the rules the website has given me, but I will say what I want. I do not particularly care about what you and your buddies think of me. 
          Oh, and one more thing- I'm irritated, not angry. You would know if I was angry.


man I don't check this site often enough to reply quickly...
          Anyways there aren't exactly 4000 rules you have to follow in the clubs, and besides that, the post patrol clean up what needs to be cleaned up. Are the people who's threads are getting closed getting strikes? Not unless they're breaking major rules or have broken the same rule multiple times. It isn't so much tattling saying "she's a bad person get her in trouble." What's actually happening is "Hey you accidentally broke this rule, here's where you can do this." Consider it like the rules of a sport. If you randomly grab the soccer ball, run with it, and throw it into the net when playing with your friends, they tell you you can't do that, it isn't allowed in the rules. You aren't punished, you made an honest mistake not knowing.
          What irks me is when people get angry at others being a part of the community and helping out moderators for just doing their part to keep things clean. As for it being petty, imagine this. Nobody ever cleaned up the self-advertising threads or the editor threads or the read for read threads. Now there's a consistent wall of spam all throughout the first 8 pages of every club. How do you find something? If there's a place to do exactly what you're posting, and most people check that spot to find people who are doing what you're posting, then why post outside of it, pushing down any other thread?
          It isn't so much the rule breaking, it's the fact that it takes up space for other posts. There are places to post just about anything you want, all you have to do is look for a solid five seconds. If everyone uses this simple system, then everyone can find exactly what they're looking for. It is more efficient this way and also easier for the moderators to keep track of.
          By heard I mean someone said to me. I meant the term quite literally, and as far as I'm concerned I have no knowledge of a leader of the post patrol. It's just people who give the moderators a hand.


@JesterSeraph  There is a fine line between a good citizen and a nosy neighbour. This 'post patrol', as you all so fondly call it, is the equivalent of the latter. I don't know about you, but I don't call 911 every time I see a jaywalker. You are not reporting a theft or assault, instead, a petty crime. It is very similar to the tattle-tales in elementary school.
          Oh, and what do you mean by you 'heard'? Did your leader sic you on me? Or, perhaps, I have a stalker.   


Hm. So apparently I heard you don't like it when someone gets a thread closed for breaking a rule when they aren't a moderator. I'm just curious as to why you look down on these people? Everyone on Wattpad is a member of it's community, and it is our duty to report the breaking of a rule, just like how it is your duty to report a crime to the police if you witness one. I want to find the logic you have that makes you believe that people getting threads closed makes that person want to be a moderator. If I reported a theft, does that mean I want to be a cop? No, of course not. I just want to be a good citizen. People like Pietroghani are great members of the community because they take the time to help keep the clubs in order. Moderators are people, and as such can't watch out for breaks in the rules 24/7.
          And on this topic, what's so bad about a person reporting the issue? Wattpad has a system that we all agree to follow, lest we suffer the consequences, when we sign up. The system is made to keep order and ease of access to information. If everyone just posted anything anywhere and broke all the rules, nothing would ever get done. Your post asking for some form of help would get buried within seconds by programs designed to spam the clubs infinitely. If the rules aren't enforced then everything falls apart.
          So my question, what's so wrong about a person reporting a break in the rules?