
A star has 5 ends. A square has 4 ends. A triangle has 3 ends. A line has 2 end. But the circle of our friendship has no end. Send this to all your friends. If you get 5 back, you are a good friend. If u get 10, you are popular. If you 15 back, THEN DAMN!!! 


→ Message for @akabaneslytherin ᕱ﹗
           I hope you are doing good these days. Even if you are having bad times don't worry I'm here *holds your hands* you can message me anytime. I'm kinda bad at making friends and expressing my thoughts what to do I'm an introvert, that's why I hope we can be good friends and help each other in troubles. Even if u don't wanna be my friend that fine I won't force. I'll always try my best to be good to you. *looks into your eyes* I'm shy girl but if I be comfortable I'll be flirty is it ok? XD kidding. Anyways remember I LOVE YOU INFINITE❤❤
          *stands up* maybe now I need to go I wrote a lot LOLL bye oh sorry I won't say sorry coz I'm always here by your side ☻ 
          ~Yuna  ָ֢ ʿʿ᮫


@akabaneslytherin Awww don't worry u can message me when you're free I won't force. I'm also not so good at flirting XD.I won't do if u don't like to 


@-angelicXunicorn awww ughh school is the reason I have been dead for such a long time and yeah its hectic but going great! I would LOVE to be your friend and sadly I don't know much about flirting except cringy pick up lines soo if you are ready to deal with them then suree