
If I were to create a Discord server, would you join?


K. So I'm hella struggling to get chapters out. Most of my time I spend scrolling on Pinterest which is full of writing prompts. Sooooo, to possibly cure my writer's block should I start making Mhaxreader one-shots based off a writing prompts for each one-shot?


@akari-jimada  yeah your stories are sooo good I would love that


@akari-jimada that would be fun. Also ig you need help, you got my discord and email:))


Chapter 18 of Guns and Needles will be out in the next couple of days. Sorry for the delay. I'll be going on vacation with my family and won't have much contact with cellular devices. Hope you all understand, sorry for the delay! 


Have to postpone another day. I got food poisoning and couldn’t work on the chapters. Sorry!


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Fuck her


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@Hells_Council it fucking sucked, my mother thought I was faking it so she took my tablet and computer telling me, “if you’re gonna act sick, I’m gonna treat you like you’re sick.” An so I had to spend the whole day sleeping or vomiting.


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Ya'll recently I have looked over my old chapter for personality and I almost died of cringe. Nothing matches up, the writing style is shit, and Y/n is hella overpower and honestly so bipolar which was not my intention. I'm thinking of taking it down and giving it a whole re-write. I'll probably do that tomorrow. The only chapter that will probably remain the same or at least the closest to the same is my latest chapter, chapter 4. I'll be taking it down tmmr and it probably won't be back up for a week, so if you want to read it before it's gone for a bit I would recommend doing it soon.