Popular person in wattpad just asked me to read their story and when I saw her votes in her stories I was like: "The fvck, you're so popular what do you want from me I'm just an amateur you already have many votes too mein gott I feel like an ant."
Ngejar mas sayur lalu jatuh
Pas sadar semua jadi 2D
Ehh malah ketemu Kiseki no sedai?!
Entah ini keberuntungan atau kesialan..
Penasaran? Yuk baca
" Are you kidding me? [Knb×Reader] oleh natasharahel di Wattpad http://my.w.tt/UiNb/KFE0jcy8gD
Sekalian minta follback kak
Popular person in wattpad just asked me to read their story and when I saw her votes in her stories I was like: "The fvck, you're so popular what do you want from me I'm just an amateur you already have many votes too mein gott I feel like an ant."