
hello :)
          	j'ai posté un cours os / concept test pour mon tome deux.. peut être que je posterai ses scènes coupées de mon tome un à part aussi, histoire de pondre des trucs ici même si ça se lit pas trop
          	bonne année les guys :3


aesthetic update!?
          blue's my least favorite color but it's still so pretty :(
          cherry crush propaganda btw go read Cherry Crush 
          if u want a quick update, I am still writing, and I've been working on my first novel project for two years now...but it's going, I'll finish it one day for sure :3
          I'm now posting on Instagram about my writing on @ennr1e ! choosed it as penname, still unsure if I'll keep it or not
          take care 


@-riiell oww no wonder i can't find you on there T-T
            oh lol well its a great choice lmfaoo
            OMG IM GLAD U ASKED. uh basically dramatic bestfriends/roomates that are in extreme denial about each other and spent half of their lives denying they love one another but uh yeah it gets to the fluff  at some point i love them (webtoon canvas :33)
             tyy!!! <3


(@akirq_ )
            I don't have Instagram so I can't check it out T_T
            Blue is my favorite color lol
            What's Cherry Crush about ?
            Good luck for your novel !!


hi :)
          im still alive!!
          im currently using wattpad exclusively to read Omniscient reader's viewpoint novel offline hehe
          (if you don't know it, i reccomand its not just a simple isekai :)) )
          anyway!! i actually started writing again!
          i have a few stories in mind, and i'll publish them if i finish a few chapters!
          i want to make a short one (around ten/twenty chapters), because i'm not used to write long things for now, i want to start slowly and meep my own writing rythm
          if i manage my school year right, maybe i'll keep writing thorough the year, who knows!
          for now, i wish you a happy summer! drink a lot of water friend <3
          - aki