JAJAJAJ si soy ProsePoet
@ al12456789 Haber xd escribe la letra en mi tablero, siempre y cuando no sea grosera jajaja
Woah, el champán sabe rico
SOMOS 40?! Wow, no sé como agradecer todo el apoyo, los amo a todos!
Oigan, si me golpeo el ojo contra una puerta... Quedaré como David Bowie? (Y luego preguntan porque nosotros vivimos menos que las mujeres)
Turbo paja
Mi mente me dice "perro con problemas de ira y atención" Nunca me han visto ustedes molesto, ojalá nunca me molesten ;)
Who I am ( A song made by Matthew) What if? What if I'm not me anymore? Will this change? Mom, I'm still your child, I grew with you Is not because of rebel or that, Is because i don't feel like i am My name is Matthew Mom i'm still me! My name Is Matthew Please don't let your mind change! I'm not like the other girls, I don't feel like them, That doesn't make me a man at all Mom i'm still me! Is just that i don't feel like this is correct My name now is Matthew My name is Matthew I am Matthew Mom, I never changed! I'm still your sweetheart, Your smart good child, I'm not different, i'm just who I want to be, And I love you no matter what, And I hope you love me too, I'm still who i am! I love spending time with you buying shirts, I love playing guitar for you, I love it when we buy books, Every warm hug you give me when i come from school, And I love you, Nothing will change, It's just me, i'm still me. I'm not like the other girls, And I actually feel proud of it, All my friends are boys, They consider me one of them, I talk about girls with them, That makes me happy, And I think I'm starting to like girls too, Don't blame me, it's not my fault to be like this, But now my name is Matthew, I'll not change anything of me, I'll keep doing my stuff sit, I'm not a boy, I understand, But I don't feel what i am, I'm lost in this path Oh God, bless me, Oh God Good girls don't do such things, Does that make a sinner? Please mom, help me! But my name is Matthew, I'm not changing that, I'm not a guy, I'm a girl, with a different mind, Is just that i don't feel my feminine part. I am sorry I didn't pleased you, I am sorry I didn't told you before, I am scared, so scared, I don't want to tell you, I don't want to be excluded, My name is Matthew, and that's who i am.
Darkness at the break of noon Shadows even the silver spoon The handmade blade, the child’s balloon Eclipses both the sun and moon To understand you know too soon There is no sense in trying
Alguien por aquí? (Estoy aburrido)