Check out my first book ''Through the Dark'' 
I love feedback, so that's always welcome.
Have fun if you read my book, I am trying to upload as much as I can.

X Alana.
  • Germany
  • SumaliJuly 2, 2016

Huling Mensahe
alana_joseph alana_joseph Dec 28, 2016 09:54PM
Chapter 28 is up guuuys ❤❤❤I hope you like it and had a great christmas xI'm sorry updating takes long but school is keeping me busy.... ugh But enjoy this chapter and there will be one following...
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Kuwento ni Alana
Through the dark // h.s. ni alana_joseph
Through the dark // h.s.
" .. without our friends we can't live, but neither we can live with them."
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