Okay, deep breath, I've decided to unpublish I Saved The Bridesmaid from Wattpad, and I'm sorry about that. I'm also sorry if you are a fan of the story and weren't able to read the last few chapters. I haven't actually written the last few chapters due to the fact that life at university has been crazy hectic. As much as I want to write, I'm studying creative writing and this course is mostly all I can focus on when it comes to writing at the moment. But the final chapters will eventually be completed, just not posted to Wattpad.
I should also probably apologise for the radio silence on my end. Again, university has been kind of kicking my butt, in the best way possible lmao. I've enjoyed the past 2 months and I'm truly the happiest I've ever been, so writing and publishing on Wattpad just hasn't been a priority.
Why have I unpublished ISTB, you ask? Well, I've been planning to from the beginning, quite honestly. As soon as I started writing this novel, I started to see the potential in it and wanted to share the story with some close friends. But, now that I'm close to finishing it, I want to tell the truth.
ISTB is going to be published as a real book one day. I am absolutely determined to make sure that it happens. It's going to take years, I realise that, but doing creative writing at University is opening so many doors for me, and I'm only just getting started. I am going to do everything it takes to get ISTB published, and so I feel uncomfortable with something so important to me being online for anyone to see and possibly steal. This novel is basically my child, and when it's ready to be shoved back into the world, I will do my absolute best to make it happen.
I'm so excited (and terrified) to see what the future will bring. But I have never been so passionate about something in my life.
Thank you so much for the support. The love that ISTB initially received will never be forgotten.
One day, hopefully, you'll be seeing her on the shelves.
Allie x