
How to can people that don’t speak English as their first language still have better grammar then most people I know 


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Wilburs apology was absolute dogshit and if you support him or his actions please leave, we do not support abusers here on Wattpad or anywhere else. FUCK YOU WILBUR!!!


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@ImAlwaysMeloncoly  I am so grateful that she spoke up about it, it would have been a difficult topic to face especially since she knew he could come after her but she still spoke up and now she has millions of people on her side. FUCK WILLIAM


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@unknown_5461099 Yesss you get it, you absolutely ate. Fuck Wilbur and Fuck everything to do with him <3
            I really hope Shelby is doing better, i really feel for her, she didn't deserve any of that, she deserves everything and more, she was so brave speaking about it, i truly adore her.