
I've started a discord server to hang out at. Anyone wanna join me?


@alayna014 btw, I'm CrownClown 


For some reason, the past week or so I've remembered an old cartoon thing, that looking back at it, put out a bad message. There were 2 bears that obviously liked each other, but another bear came in and slapped the girl bear. The girl bear turned to the guy bear she liked, and slapped him, which made him sad, he refused to hit her back though. Apparently slapping each other meant they loved each other. She wouldnt slap the new bear, and was sad that the one she liked wouldnt slap her back. The show thing ended in him realizing what it meant, and they both kept slapping each other in the face. Now this is just showing up in my mind, and I cant help but look back and be like 'wtf'. When I first saw it i was like, ok, and now I'm just....what