
That moment when you're still setting up the chapter, but you've already hit 1000 words.


@albabimam04 Relatable. I once had to cut a chapter in two because I already hit the 4500 words barrier


That moment when you're still setting up the chapter, but you've already hit 1000 words.


@albabimam04 Relatable. I once had to cut a chapter in two because I already hit the 4500 words barrier


Boy, it surely has been a long time since I've last been on here, honestly to think that in the last announcement I joked about quitting, it might very well come true. 
          Now, some of you have read the last time I've done any form of relevant activity on Wattpad. It is true, my grandma had passed away earlier this January. And while that had been a great shock to me, as I mentioned in the last post; it hadn't taken away my passion for Amourshipping. I actually have 90% of Chapter 29 ready at this very moment.
          Then what did happen; well, the loss of one family member is one thing; the loss  of dad just....just....I don't know, killed me from inside. It really ruined my interest in EVERYTHING. I lost interest in Amourshipping, and anime as a whole for the last 45 days, only interest being in Mystery Dungeon and Competitive Pokemon. It really has been a tough time for us. However, over the last 3 days, I've been attempting to get back  into many of the things I have originally quit. So today, I thought why not try and give Amourshipping another shot too? I'll be a lot slower as not only I'm still not over my depression; I'll try my best as if I don't try different actitivities, I'll plunge into furthur depression.
          So while updates might be slow and non-existent in the near future, I'll try my best to provide you guys with a great story, probably not a very good one, but the best I can do, especially as many of my past projects like Custom Server and my first romhack are now complete. Brace with me guys, and I'm sorry for the delay.


@albabimam04 I also hope you recover from your depression. It may take sometime but I know that you will be able to do it


@albabimam04 oh my gosh I am so sorry for your loss I honestly can’t imagine having to live without my dad. Deepest apologies and may his soul Rest In Peace you have my full support as well as condolences


@albabimam04 np man, I am sorry for your loss deeply and may his soul be in peace wherever he is . As for you, I hope you get better and soon get into the writing portion cause I can't wait for it. You have my condolences.


I know that this book has been pretty quiet recently and there is a very concrete reason for that. I'm quitting. WAIT, JUST KIDDING! 
          Irl was not the best for me this last week. My grandmother unfortunately passed away on the 27th of January and I lost a lot of inspiration to do ANYTHING. The only thing I really did was talk in discord since it helped to ease the pain. But, now I am back. I already have updated 3/5 original chapters to the current quality. I did this because I saw MANY people quit the book because they were thrown off by the skit-based writing style. I will finish updating the 4th one and HOPEFULLY chapter 29 will be out early next week. Thank you for listening to my rambles and I'll see you with updated Prologue Chapter 4


@ albabimam04  my condolences!


@GogXr3 its fine. Thanks for your concern!


@albabimam04 I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother

          I'm bored. Join my discord server if you wanna talk


@ Zulthyr  Lol 


@albabimam04 When people say that someone's banned for Nazism, you think either some obese white unemployed guy or a hardened criminal, they never think that some idiot who happened to be Turkish like ehm... this guy


@ albabimam04  shushhhh


I know all of you are super hyped for the next chapter, I am too. But, it won't come out today and likely won't come out tomorrow. Not because I am not hyped to write it. I am. But the thing is. IT IS SO LONG. I am at 1k and the two just left the house.  So, you guys might find a mini 1-shot here lol


@ albabimam04  didn't you say that the next chapter would be a... *Spoiler to anyone who didn't hear him blabbering in the amourshipping discord (join btw)*