
Woke up to screams, headin to the gym early ig


I don't know what we are anymore, I don't understand our relationship. sometimes we're friends, sometimes we're more than friends, and sometimes I'm just a stranger to you. One minute your talking to me as if I'm something special, and the next minute your talking to me like I mean absolutely nothing to you, one day you pay so much attention me, and then the next day you completely ignore me.. don't play with my feelings, just because you're unsure about yours. It's not fair. 


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you know what really hurts. when you talk to some for days, and have the best conversations with them. even if it was small talk, talking to them made your whole day, an then one day they you dont even exist to them. an your left with trying to figure out how you fucked up. an then you doubt yourself 


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what if I never find anybody to love? 
          or I finally get a chance and I fuck it all up
          cause I can't get hurt if I'm the first one to leave
          what if I get to heaven and it's not even real?
          and I die before telling you how I really feel
          cause it feels like hell and I just can't help but think
          that may be loves not for me