
Damn I just realised I haven't posted smth since the end of 2020. Well ig there's just been nothing to post about. My life's pretty boring lol. But I'll be going on vacation for my birthday soon. It's actually my first time going on vacation since ever. My dad's pretty focused on his work and he's refused to take a break. But I managed to convince him by mentioning my birthday to him lmao. We're set to go to Albania on August 14th (my birthday is on the 20th). Let's hope it goes well.


Damn I just realised I haven't posted smth since the end of 2020. Well ig there's just been nothing to post about. My life's pretty boring lol. But I'll be going on vacation for my birthday soon. It's actually my first time going on vacation since ever. My dad's pretty focused on his work and he's refused to take a break. But I managed to convince him by mentioning my birthday to him lmao. We're set to go to Albania on August 14th (my birthday is on the 20th). Let's hope it goes well.


Holy moly Christmas glory. Soooo its 5 in the morning where I live and I just saw that have gained 26 followers. I really wanna scream right now but I cant because everbody in the building is sleeping (because I live in an apartment) like normal people except for me because I'm a crazy person. And if I were to not care, people would think I'm getting murdered and then they'll call the cops. So I if I cant scream in real life then I'll scream here AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ah yes much better. But in all seriousness, thank you guys for following an insane and beautiful person like moi (I'm not full of myself I swear at least not usually) I really appreciate that you guys think I'm a decent enough person that you could follow me. And also I have a question for you guys. What made you guys follow me??? Be honest and be real. I really want to know


I don't know why but I've been having the best time ever recently. I don't know about you but in my country we aren't stuck in quarantine, I have a lot of friends, I'm making amends with people I hated before and trying to hear out their side of the story, I'm letting my guard down, I'm not depressed anymore. So overall this isn't the worst year (for me of course) but it could be better. Like for example, I wish we could stop racism, I wish this pandemic would go away, I wish i wasn't so stressed (I've been having hair loss recently) I wish I was in school with my teachers so I could learn better. But I try to focus on the positives and be happy. And if you're going through something right now, just know that it'll get better :):):):)
          Note: this is my first message so I'm sorry if it isn't so good