Cillian Murphy X Oc
Set through 1939-1940
After being married and buying your first home together, war has broke out. With fighting a loosing battle in Dunkirk, Cillian is drafted to war to fight in order to win this battle. With the little time you have together before his leave, you make the most of it by spending every moment together.
After an emotional leave on the train platform, you waited everyday for his first letter to arrive. His letter finally arrives and it really reveals the true horrors of war. Many things were blacked out, but by his unsteady handwriting, I can tell he feared for his life.
After months of no replies, you join a support group with women with husbands in war. It was not what you expected. They thought the men were cowards for coming back home. That they were weak. Dishonourable for not being men and developing shell shock.
About to leave for yet another meeting, you walk past the train start ion and see Cillian on the platform just gazing at you. You run to him and reunite at last. Everything seemed so perfect. Something you didn’t encounter for was his shell shock. It was quite severe and the only way you could help was talking to him.