Any pro-nouns u can think of, she, he, they, idc.
I like alt 90's punk rock and I am also not into labeling but I like girls so, there's that. I read books like duplcity, and temptress cause of the plot. I'm an anarchist, BLM supporter/protester, think ACAB (All Cops Are Bastardized), is the only was to address a cop, im v gay and alt. If u cant tell, im a democratic leftist. Im so sarcastic I cant even tell when im being serious. YUNGBLUD is so underrated, and i think all gen z peps should paint their nails black with their middle fingers diff colors just because we can. I share a birthday with the guy who plays Joey, from Friends. And lastly u discriminate in ANY WAY, that is not classist (eat the rich), then u cannot express ur biggot opinions to me, or try to legitimize ur reasoning for why u just cant get behind women being with women to me, cause i might rearrange ur face for u, free of charge. I will NOT hesitate to throw hands. Peace ✌ All the love, Alex (or what ever you think of first idc, Alexandrea, Alexander, Alex, Lex, Rea, Xander even, rlly idc).
  • American idiot
  • Lid sindsJuly 25, 2020

Laatste bericht
alexandreaquin alexandreaquin Oct 08, 2021 02:33AM
ok so i need some help, turns out, way back when, when larrys deleted temptress, and she had to get a new account and re uploaded, i guess i never added her, or her books and i dont remember her new...
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