I hate people come to me and tell me I should redo my stories. Because Zayn left I should not have him in my stories no more well this is going to hurt a bit but who cares this are my stories and i will have Zayn in them i like it or not they are my stories not your and sorry if i sound like a bitch but its true
I hate how everyone is with Zayn. First I love Nick Jonas and Justin Beiber but what got under my nerves where that they were both mocking Directioners and how they reacted for Zayn leaving. And I get it Zayn could of have don't better instead of a post of Facebook but what did you really want did you want a video chat saying he was leaving. And then others being like "why did Niall not leave" that just tells me your not a true directioner. Please don't say we over reacted because first of all I cryed since I found out Zayn was leaving why did I cry because he meant a lot to me. The whole band meant a lot to me and seeing all this people giving Zayn bull got me more mad. I might not be his sister or cousin but he still means a lot to me. And Justin and nick to do that got me way pissed I ended up ripping my Justin beiber posters. No one mocks a directioner. Oh and no offence this does not go to a single person I was just trying to speak my mind. And please stop hating on Zayn they will always be in my heart. No matter what