
So my little brother has been sick since friday, and he's just now feeling better. So I was in my 5th hour and all of a sudden I felt like I was gonna throw up, luckily I didnt, but after that I got this really big headache. So when I came home i was feeling better and all. So about an hour later my little sister comes home and tells me that she's been feeling sick too. So when my mom came home we both told her 'hey we both haven't been feeling good'. So my mom took our temperature and I was fine, but my little sister actually did get sick. So I had to go to church and then I had to go to my uncles. I was having fun with my cousin and stuff. After about an hour my dad said it was time to go. So I stand up and I suddenly got really dizzy and I felt really tried. My mom thought I was just giving them bs. So we get back to our house and my mom checks my temperature and guess what.
          	ikr it's great so now I have to stay home from school which is kinda ok if I didn't have the feeling that I'm going to be missing a big test yeah mee


So my little brother has been sick since friday, and he's just now feeling better. So I was in my 5th hour and all of a sudden I felt like I was gonna throw up, luckily I didnt, but after that I got this really big headache. So when I came home i was feeling better and all. So about an hour later my little sister comes home and tells me that she's been feeling sick too. So when my mom came home we both told her 'hey we both haven't been feeling good'. So my mom took our temperature and I was fine, but my little sister actually did get sick. So I had to go to church and then I had to go to my uncles. I was having fun with my cousin and stuff. After about an hour my dad said it was time to go. So I stand up and I suddenly got really dizzy and I felt really tried. My mom thought I was just giving them bs. So we get back to our house and my mom checks my temperature and guess what.
          ikr it's great so now I have to stay home from school which is kinda ok if I didn't have the feeling that I'm going to be missing a big test yeah mee


I'm just gonna say this now ima miss woojin he had amazing vocals and he was all around amazing. All of us Stays are gonna miss him but we should respect that he had to go. Is it gonna be sad? Yes very much so. Is is gonna be hard for Stray kids and Stays? Hell yeah, but he had to leave and even if we don't know why it's still gonna be ok I'm the and
          Love y'all 
          Hope you have a good day/night


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡