after months of hibernation i am back! and will be on here more than ever. i have gotten free time for the next few months and thought i should get back on that writing horse i've been refusing to ride for actual years now.
assuming you have all forgotten who i am and are reading this message thinking: "who the fuck is this weirdo making an announcement as though he's big deal" i am here to tell you that i am fact not a big deal but you should still listen because why not
my name is donovan cromwell you can call me don because i'm pretentious and think don is a cool name
i am 18 years of age
i am from los angeles
i am an anthropology major
i got bored with my life so here i am. back again. who's stoked? not me
anyways you very likely know me by my work called Title which is an actual disgrace to the nature of poetry but i live to be a disgrace so try and stop me
this has been too long and you probably have already scrolled past this message by now so here's the catch
i like people so message me about dumb shit and let's be friends don't worry about what the topic i'm literally interested in everything
let's be comrades
x Don
to all who care:
i have moved to there will you find better and more personal things i write. shoot me a message on there (thru the contact page) and let's be pals
-- don
donny donny d-donny banana fanna f-fonny, me mi, m-monny, dONNYY
when are you gonna drop this sick selfie? or are you gonna do a beyonce and then wait until we're least expecting it?
@afterword i actually feel you on this. like, the longer you stare at it, the more flaws you start to notice. but thATS WHAT FILTERS ARE FOR RIGHT? omg so much has been going on tbh like you're moving to california, i'm moving to canada and it's been wild honestly