
Hey all! Lots of new followers after I updated for the first time in like two months haha, it's good to have ya! I hope you'll all give Sword Quest a look and let me know what you think, and I'd love to do the same for you! Or let's just be friends, I could go for a friend or two :3


Hey all! Lots of new followers after I updated for the first time in like two months haha, it's good to have ya! I hope you'll all give Sword Quest a look and let me know what you think, and I'd love to do the same for you! Or let's just be friends, I could go for a friend or two :3


Check out depraved childhood I'll return the favor


@Rooty2000 put it in my reading request book I just been very busy but i will definitely read it this weekend


@Rooty2000  never did return the favor :/


Hey, thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy "The Otherworlders" and I look forward to getting to know your work better too.


@paulapdx  haha be my guest ;D


@alextheri0t - Okie-dokie then.  I will definitely take a look...then harass you mercilessly when I start having nightmares. ;-)


@paulapdx  Sure thing! Haha well, I wouldn't by my definition call it gory, and the only real instance of bloody violence is in the prologue(thus far). I mean the fights are somewhat descriptive(blood spurting, etc) but it's not over the top blood and guts. The raindrop blood is more for symbolism, but I can see why it would make it look more hardcore than it is(well not that it won't get hardcore but that's waaaay down the road haha)