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Going through a lot of shit rn. Rlly need a friend. PS: I'm sorry for not updating, new part on Monday.


Plzzzzzzzzzzz update All Alone its sooo good


@zaynqueen123 updated! go check it out!


@zaynqueen123 thank you! i would love to update but i need a little help with the plot so please please please dm me with ANY ideas! 


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Hey guys! So I was thinking of making an old and new magcon ageplay book. I'll write regular boyxboy, kid fic, ageplay, mpreg, any of that stuff (and whatever other crazy shit y'all are into ). BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SEND IN PROMPTS! As soon as I get a prompt I will try to write it asap. Hopefully you will enjoy! Right now it is 12:30 am and I am pulling an all nighter so I need something to occupy myself with, but I will def continue to update as long as you guys keep sending in prompts! Thank you! 
          - A