
Hey guys, so sorry I've been gone for like 2 years! Not really that long I don't think, but a lot has happened. I hope to start writing again. The frequency is still up in the air, but attendance is something I've been lacking so -I'M BACK! My grammar is still awful, but I do plan on going back and rereading my stories and editing spelling and grammar! (Your prayers answered). Anyway, get excited about my new story "The Days We Could"! I'm excited about it, although i have no idea where it will end up! Let's see! Have a good day!


Hey guys, so sorry I've been gone for like 2 years! Not really that long I don't think, but a lot has happened. I hope to start writing again. The frequency is still up in the air, but attendance is something I've been lacking so -I'M BACK! My grammar is still awful, but I do plan on going back and rereading my stories and editing spelling and grammar! (Your prayers answered). Anyway, get excited about my new story "The Days We Could"! I'm excited about it, although i have no idea where it will end up! Let's see! Have a good day!


Hey guys, please send good thoughts to my friend Will. Since about the age of five. ( he was eight) we have trained for west point military academy (USMA). Well, he was in an accident and broke his neck right after he had gotten accepted. At this point, he has motion in his arms, but no activity in his legs thus far. Please pray or send good thoughts, so maybe his dream can still come true. Thank you <3


hey all of my lovely followers!!!! :) So I am going to finish Turtle Over Duck before I continue with everything else. I wrote this forever ago on a different app, so now I am retyping and editing awfully (considering my disastrous grammar. I like commas in my breath pauses..) Well anywayyyyy, in my original story, the characters are Ali and Alex, but those of you who know me in person would find that awkward considering that is the name of a guy I talked to. (Bless my heart..) So what I am trying to say, is that I will continue my stories asap, but I want to knock this one out. Thanks guys! Mwah Mwah!!! <3