
700 reads on One Call Away?! What?!


Alright! Here's the dealio. I have a very bad and chaotic month, in which I have not had time to write. I apologize, but I've had a hard time, and I needed to just relax. PLEASE DO NOT THINK THAT ONE CALL AWAY IS COMPLETED. ITS NOT! I will get back to it, and you can expect a chapter/s sometime soon. My apologies, but thank you all oh so much for the continuing support! <3


Thank you so very much! Things are much better now, and I think everything is over for a while! Thank you again.


Apologies, everyone. Life threw me a curveball and I was trying to decide how to approach it. I should be back to updating once daily. 


@WinterRD Everything is good now! Thank you for asking! <3