
Hey, everyone! So sorry about my absence, but I've been so busy. I stopped writing on here years ago because I had just started applying to colleges and getting ready to graduate. Now I'm a junior in college (gross) and I've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. I've been extremely depressed, so I took a medical leave of absence from school toward the end of the fall semester. I've decided to journal to help myself through this difficult time, so if you're interested, I've posted my first entry and will be posting another one soon. Hope you are all doing well!


Hey, everyone! So sorry about my absence, but I've been so busy. I stopped writing on here years ago because I had just started applying to colleges and getting ready to graduate. Now I'm a junior in college (gross) and I've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. I've been extremely depressed, so I took a medical leave of absence from school toward the end of the fall semester. I've decided to journal to help myself through this difficult time, so if you're interested, I've posted my first entry and will be posting another one soon. Hope you are all doing well!


Hello everyone! I know, long time no see! I've been on and off a few times to try and get myself caught up but my life has been so hectic! Anyhoo, I'm horrible and left you all on a cliffhanger for Worlds Apart and I feel bad. But the thing is, my hard drive where the next chapter was saved got erased and now I'm just like sheeeeeit, now I have to write it all over again. So, give me time while I get myself back on track. Thanks! :)