
ok. so. umm I've been extremely inactive here, as you may or more likely have not noticed, and I'd like to change that. but I'm going to re-make my account entirely and start with a clean slate because I feel like as an artist I'm just not as good as I could be. and I'd like to start trying to develop a art style of my own, because I can't just keep letting it drastically change a million times, I don't really do a lot of traditional art as of kate, it's mainly been all digital, but I doubt I'll post too much of that. umm I'm going to try to have the new account up by tomorrow, here's the name: @ThaMintyMarshmallow, I'll tell y'all once it's up then delete this account a day or two later. see ya there.


ok. so. umm I've been extremely inactive here, as you may or more likely have not noticed, and I'd like to change that. but I'm going to re-make my account entirely and start with a clean slate because I feel like as an artist I'm just not as good as I could be. and I'd like to start trying to develop a art style of my own, because I can't just keep letting it drastically change a million times, I don't really do a lot of traditional art as of kate, it's mainly been all digital, but I doubt I'll post too much of that. umm I'm going to try to have the new account up by tomorrow, here's the name: @ThaMintyMarshmallow, I'll tell y'all once it's up then delete this account a day or two later. see ya there.


Aaaaa thank you so much for following back and for all your kind feedback one my art!! I really appreciate it (also you made me realise aegosexuality exists thankyouthankyou) 


@alice-mg-ink Oh that's okay, I haven't been very active lately either XD Good luck with remaking your account!


@archaeopteryx17 oh wow, youre welcome dude! i cant believe im only just now seeing this, well actually i can ive been inactive af from wattpad, a heads up though im gonna remake my account soon, like completely, so ill send ya a message once i get that done. 