
this message may be offensive
Sooo.... Wattpad just deleted one of my stories that's been up since 2016 with no warning? And that was the only copy of that story that I had. So, I'm gonna start moving my writings over to another website bc what the actual fuck!!!!! Suggestions of new homes for my writing are greatly appreciated bc this is the only website I've ever really written on <3


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Sooo.... Wattpad just deleted one of my stories that's been up since 2016 with no warning? And that was the only copy of that story that I had. So, I'm gonna start moving my writings over to another website bc what the actual fuck!!!!! Suggestions of new homes for my writing are greatly appreciated bc this is the only website I've ever really written on <3


You are so underappreciated.. 
          it's crazy. Please write more, and don't delete your account.


i'm so happy u replied! and i'm so excited!


@kywriting thank u so much !! i'm working on a spiderman story rn called talking heads, & im also preparing to publish another ariana story called ease my mind within the next couple of months. (i actually have a ton of stories up but i never finish them bc i always think no one wants to read them haha) but i promise im not going to delete my account anytime soon! ive had it for too long & i love wattpad too much to get rid of my account just like that!


I just read break free(yes im a guy it looked intriguing to me) I'm confused on what is the name of the sequel you had(if you wrote it) and did lyric and Ariana get married?  Plz help me


@arianasmyboo  I ended up finding it like a week later.  Thx tho!!! 


@arianasmyboo it's called moonlight 


Hiii how are you ? 
          I'm French and I would love to translate your fiction "break free" in French. Of course If you let me to do it, I'll say the story is not mine but yours. It it okay?


@ alicecamus   I just posted the first chapter if you wanna check or something :)




omg yes absolutely, I would be honoured !!! 


Please finish the sequel to break free my life is not completed without it and it is the first story I ever read and liked. But I feel that is the worst thing to do with an amazing story and a possibly amazing sequel. It would mean the world to me. Thx 


You know, I have taken what you’ve said to heart. I hope you take my response to heart, too. 
            I’m nineteen years old. I’m a freshman in college. I wrote break free when I was fifteen, in high school. & instead of doing homework & focusing on classes, I was flunking in order to keep up with break free to keep people happy. I can’t do that anymore. I’m trying to keep myself afloat in college. I don’t have time to update as often as you’d all like. &, to be honest, I don’t like break free. it’s not good writing, there’s an insane amount of plot holes & it’s just not a good book. I understand people love it, & I’m happy they do. I’m happy you liked break free! but, my writing is so much better now, & I’m only forcing myself to finish moonlight because it’s so important to everyone (except me). I have an ending planned. I sat down & wrote out how I wanted this story to go. I just have no motivation to write it, because I’m not interested anymore. sorry, but it’s true. I’m going to finish it. please stop sending me messages asking me to finish it, because I will. I get messages on my wall, in my inbox, on twitter— even in the comments, it’s all “finish this!” “please update!” “you’re disappointing me by not updating!” like, I get it. okay? I’m pushing through my own unhappiness to finish this book, because if I don’t I’ll never hear the end of it. you’ll get your ending. 


I know you don't want to talk about moonlight but please finish it. Just think. You had 128k reads on break free and you are letting every one of them down by quitting the series and ending it poorly. It's really heartbreaking and disappointing. I hope you take what I say to heart.