
Yay! First edited chapter of Hijacking Reality is officially on ao3: 
          	Nothing much has changed but yay progress... Still working on chapter 28 but it will be up soon on here :) Any edits will be on ao3 because the comments on here are too golden to erase lmao


I loved your book hijacking reality!! It is so well written. I have never read for so long without stopping before and that is saying something since my last record was 5 hours and 27 minutes. I absolutely loved the storyline and CANNOT wait for the next part! 


Okay people... I am re-reading my story Hijacking reality, and going to do some massive major editing but I'm also planning on getting another chapter updated like very soon just to have since it's literally been since like 2018 LOL Klance has suddenly come back into my life again and I just want to finish this dang story so! Here we go....


Wow. Came back out of the blue. Overwhelmed by how many people actually read Hijacking Reality and cringing so hard at my writing  Like I may not be as obsessed with Voltron as I used to be but this fanfic needs to be finished and then re-written cuz oh-boy so many embarrassing issues 


@ alicegtr  good luck and all the best for your graduation <3 your career is more important. I'll be waiting for you. Have a hug, dear :3


@ArisaAriyoshi Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I really appreciate it and you QwQ I’m trying my hardest to write the next chapter but I’m currently finishing up my college career! So maybe once I graduate I’ll finally (after years) be able to finish this story~


@ alicegtr  so I took my time and like the whole day to read you're fic... Which is incredible and I love it dearly... So I kind of screamed at the end of chap 27... Give me more... Please 


Okay I may or may not be a petty person but if you wrote a story in 2012 and you somehow find that someone has literally copied your idea, what do I even do? LMAO... I'm not even that mad but like they changed the characters names and stuff.... I read like the first few chapters and they are like exactly the same... Im shook LOL


@alicegtr you could talk to him/her about it