
Hey everyone! so i know its been a really long time since I've posted something (sorry that i haven't), i haven't had much time to work o the next chapter recently so tbh i don't know when the next chapter will be out. but ill try to post one as soon as i can!  thanks  -Alida


Hey everyone! so i know its been a really long time since I've posted something (sorry that i haven't), i haven't had much time to work o the next chapter recently so tbh i don't know when the next chapter will be out. but ill try to post one as soon as i can!  thanks  -Alida


ok so i know its been a while since I've published a chapter and I'm really sorry for that. I've been so caught up since I have started school the past few weeks. i am going to try to publish a chapter this weekend. it going to be my goal! any who, i think I'm going to post a chapter once a month so that i can have time to write. thanks, Alida