All right? Hope so. ???
I could read my story "Petals of Blood"?
If you like, vote. Discuss what u think! ?
Thank you, needing just call! XOXO. ?
...░♥░ (¯`:´¯)░
♥░.(¯ `•.\|/.•´¯)
░ (¯ `•.(...•´ =¯)♥
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♥░ ░ ::(_.:._)♥ ♥
╔╦╗╗╔╔╗╔╗╦╔─╦─╦╔╗╦─╦ ║
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─╩─╝╚╝╚╩║╝╩──╩─╚╝╚═╝ ❤ DEAR ★
Hey! I was wondering if you could read my new book inexorable :)? It would truly mean the world to me if you gave back feedback as well ;)! I would love to return the favor ❤❤ :)