I know I still need to update my 'novels' but....I probably won't be able to publish them quite that quickly (a week maximum wait for the 'Confusions when in L.O.V.E') because my first maths exam is in one week and my second paper is in nine days so I hope you understand that I won't be able to write a full chapter in one go like I usually do because I'm busy with school and revision at home so technically my current schedual is; sleep, eat and study. So I'm really busy now but in my free time I will save little bits of sentences and paragraphs as much as I can but no guarantee that I will publish it any sooner than one week. Please forgive me if you have to wait but my exams are freaking me out (I should stop procrastinating as well) and I really need all the extra revision time I can get. I hope you understand :)