


as I person who was born with learning difficulties and was diagnosed when I was born to find out that I have learning difficulties.
          I hate hate the word "disability" and "disabilities" to say as a group word to all learning difficulties and physical difficulties.
          like ok if you got a physical thing like you are in a wheelchair or has something to help you walk etc then I can get behind that but to called basically all learning difficulties physically / not physical "disabilities" is kind of wrong and shouldn't be a common thing.
          ok if you are blind or can't really see or have difficulty seeing or hearing etc then that is different.
          also I grew up with different people with different learning difficulties physically / not physically so.
          also if you have trouble talking or can't talk then I can understand that and this above doesn’t apply to you or your career's.


OCD has 3 main elements:
          obsessions – where an unwanted, intrusive and often distressing thought, image or urge repeatedly enters your mind
          emotions – the obsession causes a feeling of intense anxiety or distress
          compulsions – repetitive behaviours or mental acts that a person with OCD feels driven to perform as a result of the anxiety and distress caused by the obsession


this message may be offensive
i wasn't offensive. i was just saying my opinion and i hate chingy stuff and i hate people who are completely obsession with actor's and like i know i have ocd and can be obsession with this but some people make me want to k*ll me-self because of how fucking chingy their fan pages on instagram can be.
          its like those fucking "edged 14 year olds" who think gotic life and roblocks is fucking cool (no offensive if you do ,you do you) when they are fucking not.


          please actually read and actually vote and actually comment on this please : 
          also the first chapter is base off the flim a nightmare on elm street and the bad guy freddy krueger and his power of going into dreams/nightmare's. thou it is very lightly base off that flim and that character.
          also it is NOT NOT NOT base off stranger things so don't comment and say it is when its not.