I'm currently reading His and it's pretty good so far. Oh if you want a really good book to read there's one called He Saved Me I can't remember who wrote it but it's an awesome book
Well I wish you have a great day and hope to speak again but I just got to work and have to go but at least I'm only going in till 10am just cover for a coworker who has an appointment. Nice talking with you
Oh that's not the only reason I donate I've had friends who are breast cancer survivors so it is kind of close to my heart but I don't have money to donate and this way someone puts money in a raffle they and the foundation makes money and someone ends up with a painting that they like.
The sad thing is if I didn't paint and end up having a house full of paintings that no one wants to buy I probably wouldn't think to do anything either lol
@thebitchisback2 yeah they tend to take up all your time lol I myself can't have children but, I'm okay with that I never really wanted children so it was never really a problem for me that I couldn't have them. I love children I just never wanted any of my own besides I have six older brothers so I have lots of nieces and nephews to spend my time with
That's obviously supposed to say breast cancer awareness not that I have anything against breastfeeding I think it's the most natural thing and should be allowed to be done anywhere but I meant breast cancer damn autocorrect
@thebitchisback2 kmsl yea I know hw u feel.... I breast feed my daughter... I think it's nice that you donate to breast cancer awareness unlike me lol I need to start doing something
Yes I have heard that too. When my nephew was born my sister in law did that. Thank you I painted that zebra a couple years ago and donated it to the breastfeeding cancer awareness event at my work. I usually donate 3 or 4 paintings a year
@thebitchisback2 thanks I had just had her in this photo I was told that skin to skin with your baby helps with her getting used to being outside the womb