
Hey guys,
          	Good news my ' not being able to read comments and replies' problem has been fixed and now I can read them and reply to whom ever sent them. 


Thanks for reading 'Haven' and for leaving so many wonderful votes! I hope you loved it. I hope you'll consider letting me know what you thought in the comments! 
          And if you're interested, I hope you decide to check out the companion story, "The Ghost" for more Steve, Nat and even more Bucky! 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!


Hey there! Thank you so much for following our account. We hope you might find a chance to check out our book, Phantoms of the Past, but if not: thanks anyway and we are still thankful for your support!


I would love to check out your book! I read the description and it sounds amazing! 