
So.... here's the deal
          	I really REALLY wanted to have the next part in my VD story up today but I ended up working literally the rest of the week after I said I'd have the next part posted today..
          	This is my only day off and I have a lot to do around the house and everything that I haven't had time for for the last week so I'm going to work on the story when I can but I won't post it unless I'm happy with what I have.
          	I'm sorry everyone =[ Whenever I make a scheduled update something always ruins it. Unfortunately I'm looking at the same work schedule for this next week so I'm not sure how much time I'll have after today, sadly. But, I will work on it whenever I can manage to squeeze in time to do so =]
          	Thanks for dealing with my excuses! xoxo


So.... here's the deal
          I really REALLY wanted to have the next part in my VD story up today but I ended up working literally the rest of the week after I said I'd have the next part posted today..
          This is my only day off and I have a lot to do around the house and everything that I haven't had time for for the last week so I'm going to work on the story when I can but I won't post it unless I'm happy with what I have.
          I'm sorry everyone =[ Whenever I make a scheduled update something always ruins it. Unfortunately I'm looking at the same work schedule for this next week so I'm not sure how much time I'll have after today, sadly. But, I will work on it whenever I can manage to squeeze in time to do so =]
          Thanks for dealing with my excuses! xoxo


Greetings, to the wonderful world of Wattpad!
          I would just like to notify anyone out there who might be waiting that I am finally getting my butt in gear and am working on a new chapter for my VD story (that needs a new nickname that isn't related to STDs....).
          As per usual, my excuse is that I just have a bunch of crap to do, but the college semester is coming to an end and I think I'll have a bit of a break this week so hopefully I will have an update for you all by next weekend =]
          Thanks again to anyone who reads, comments, votes!


Hello to anyone out there who cares! =]
          First of all, thank you to all the new readers I've noticed out there.
          I promise I WILL update my Vampire Diaries stories at some point, I'm just having some technological issues that have been keeping me from doing so for like the last month....
          But I just wanted to get that out there so everyone didn't totally give up on me.
          Hope everyone is having a better transition into summer than me weather-wise!