
HI SORRY OMG I HAVENT BEEN ON HERE IN AGES I FEEL SO BAD!!! BUT I HAVE A QUESTION :) Sooo over these months I’ve been writing a little bit sometimes and I’ve now got like half a chapter soooo what do you want me to do with it :))))


HI SORRY OMG I HAVENT BEEN ON HERE IN AGES I FEEL SO BAD!!! BUT I HAVE A QUESTION :) Sooo over these months I’ve been writing a little bit sometimes and I’ve now got like half a chapter soooo what do you want me to do with it :))))


I’m so sorry guys that I haven’t been writing for so long it’s just that I just didn’t have the motivation and it was a bit unclear, my exams are coming up but I’ll try and start writing again in the summer!!! I’m sorry I haven’t been on wattpad for so long, how are u all :))


I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating you guys!  Since im now in a quite stressful time I haven’t really found the time and motivation to write :(( but I finally wrote a bit just now so I think I might do an update today so yeah and I hope you all are doing ok? If somethings on your mind remember that you can always message me!! Love you guys all sm and I wish you a happy week! Stay safe <3