• Somewhere eating and PM'ing
  • Đã tham giaMarch 25, 2016

Tin nhắn Cuối cùng
all_of_usXx all_of_usXx Apr 13, 2016 11:15PM
Making a thisCrush page✌️ But since we're going to making more bios out, which should we put out? More boys or girls? 
Xem tất cả các Cuộc Hội Thoại

Truyện của ✌
Boys Bios bởi all_of_usXx
Boys Bios
Hey lovelies, it's us. If you want to know more about us, all you have to do is go read our bios(:
Girls Bios bởi all_of_usXx
Girls Bios
Hey, it's us! If you wanna know about us, it's all in the bios(:
Statuses bởi all_of_usXx
Just thoughts and statuses on us really. Title says it all✌️