
@ginamaye heya! :) I find Realm of the Runes captivating. The mixture of Greek and Norsk Mythology is also very well handled. I'm not a writer (I wish I was) nor a critique but I like your style in writing which is why I voted for the chapters. You have consistency and for that I applaud you.


Thanks so much for reading through Dragon Charmer and starting True Colors.  True Colors was actually the first book I wrote, and even though it has been revised, it might still be sloppy.
          Thanks again for reading!


@ginamaye heya! :) I find Realm of the Runes captivating. The mixture of Greek and Norsk Mythology is also very well handled. I'm not a writer (I wish I was) nor a critique but I like your style in writing which is why I voted for the chapters. You have consistency and for that I applaud you.


Hi, I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for popping Merlin’s Gold onto your reading list, I hope you enjoy it when you have five minutes to read. Comment / constructive critique is always welcomed. Cheers, Gav
          PS make sure that when you reply to someone as you have done to Abi below you hit the 'reply' button otherwise they don't know.