
;   ceebee  while  i  pray  that  i  do  well  for  my  final  today??  ( all  starters  will  be  dropped  after  school :) )


;   ceebee  while  i  pray  that  i  do  well  for  my  final  today??  ( all  starters  will  be  dropped  after  school :) )


“    wensday ?  you're not usually in at this time .  what brings you by  ?   ”


listening to her speak as he briefly heard something move in her bag , he tilts his head a little as he nods along. “  yeah ,  especially people who have adhd. ”  tyler adds on with a small chuckle.


@sweetnedcffee   ☽    “   no  one  pays  attention  to  quiet  scenes  for  more  than  two  seconds  due  to  their  short  attention  spans.   ”    she  can  feel  thing  moving  around  in  her  bag,   but  pays  it  no  attention  as  she  stares  at  the  cup  more.    “   so  there  is  no  use  in  writing  them.   ”


watching her pale digits reach out for the cup , he smiled a little before nodding along. it was calm..a bit too calm. shaking his head a little , he then arched a brow.  “  none at all?  and you're so dedicated to it.  ”