Hi I really enjoyed "Morning Coffee". I love your writing. Continue to write and and amaze people like me. (✷‿✷)

Your writing style is awesome. I mean, you make a very simple thing appear so admirable. I'm planning to immerse myself in your other works.

@DreamingCrooked I was on very long break from Wattpad either. Trust me, I was miserable but I couldn't put my finger on it. I came back to check on my profile. I felt a lot better, being here. Writing for fun and interacting with people. So, I have decided to stay here forever, until wattpad decides to kick me out.

@DreamingCrooked Thank you for your interaction with my work! I have been considering returning to writing for fun to see where it takes me, so seeing your feedback has brought more excitement to this part of my life. I am very glad you enjoyed "Morning Coffee" and I hope you continue to enjoy any of my work in the future!