
I just realized I haven't updated in a while...Sorry!! I'm not dead - I SWEAR. School has just taken over my life so far...hopefully I will pick things back up in the summer. I am so sorry guys!
          	~ Allikat


Hi my sweets!!! As many of you may know, I have a fanfiction on here called TriGods...and I haven't updated in a loooong time. The reason for that, or the MAIN reason for that, is because I simply cannot find inspiration, and I have completely run out of ideas.  Like I cannot even bring myself to draw them anymore,  and that is usually a sign that I have been beaten. So I think that the book is done, there is no more to it. I hope that I will get inspiration again, but until that happens, the book is done. It's passed its time. So...yeah. I will keep it up in case any of you want to read any of the previous chapters! I think I will also post a SPOILER chapter of everything that was GOING to happen at the end of the book, just in case any of you wanted answers. 
          But that is all I have to say now!
          Peace out my lovelies!
          Love you!
          Bye Bye!
          <3 AlliKat02070


Hi guys! 
          I know, I'm soooo far behind! I haven't checked wattpad in a long time, and the next thing I know, I'm flooded with messages and I had a few comments asking me to update. So I looked through my chapters, edited a few things, and now I am on to Chapter 20! Thank you all for being patient. I hope this next chapter meets your expectations!


So I would just like to put this out there: I will most likely now be posting anything anytime soon. I am so sorry, but its application season. Meaning: college essay, college app, recommendation letters, open houses, yada, yadda, YA! Yeah, seriously stressing over here. I'm actually surprised I had time to make this notification! So, please don't hate me. I just have a lot going on right now. I hope to be able to post something for you lovelies very soon. Bye! I love you all so much! <3 Allikat


Oh and guys, just an fyi, I recently got a drawing tablet, and I plan to draw my characters with it. I hope to deviantART soon, where I can hopefully post all of the drawings on there. If I do just so happen to get it, I will put a link up top where you can find said deviantART. Thanks all my lovelies! <3 Allikat


I know, I've kept you guys waiting long enough and I am terribly sorry! I've got a lot on my plate (senior year b*tches!) and I'm scrambling. Once I get this chapter done, the next one might take a wee bit longer. Sorry guys! You know I love you all! Agh! I hope you people actually do read these posts, or else I'm just talking to no one! Awkward. But yeah. Just thought I should keep you guys updated and let you know that I'm not actually dead! So see you guys soon with Chapter Nine! Luv you guyz! <3 allikat