
Alrighty weellllll that clearly didn’t work out as planned....
          	So basically I got past 10,000 words and then life kinda punched me in the face ‍♀️ so everything’s been very fun here in Amanda-ville :) 
          	I’ll try to keep updating and working on it, but I also have other writing I’ll be doing as well as trying to keep life under control... I’m sure y’all know the feeling 
          	Have a good night everybody 
          	-Amanda xx


Technology *rams head against wall*


That little symbol is meant to be a shruggy emoji...ugh I love technilogy


Alrighty weellllll that clearly didn’t work out as planned....
          So basically I got past 10,000 words and then life kinda punched me in the face ‍♀️ so everything’s been very fun here in Amanda-ville :) 
          I’ll try to keep updating and working on it, but I also have other writing I’ll be doing as well as trying to keep life under control... I’m sure y’all know the feeling 
          Have a good night everybody 
          -Amanda xx


Technology *rams head against wall*


That little symbol is meant to be a shruggy emoji...ugh I love technilogy


Holy cow... just broke 10,000 Words on Shards!!!
          I’m finally getting past the fairy tale happy ending and now get to play with the fun stuff I have planned for the rest of Adira’s story.
          If you haven’t checked it out yet, I would definitely recommend it! (Not that I’m biased or anything lol)
          For anyone who doesn’t know what Shards is, it’s my #NaNoWriMo novel, which means I’ll be writing the ENTIRE thing in the month of November and the story will be updated every day until I’m done. 
          So anyway, I’m going to bed because I’m exhausted (writing nearly 3,000 words in a day will do that) but I just wanted to leave this here! Thank you guys for your support and enjoy the new chapters!


Aghhhh!!! It's here! NaNoWriMo is starting in two days (Nov. 1) and I will be taking on the challenge of writing 50,000 words in a month PLUS uploading whatever I write on a particular day to Wattpad so people can follow my progress. I'm so excited to share this sneak peek with you guys. Here's the first part of the story, which does not count towards my word count, but serves as a decently-written introduction to the mess that will inevitably follow. Enjoy!


Hi guys! So I promised a release on October 21st and it is finally here! There will be more coming (on YouTube)... hopefully tonight but maybe tomorrow.
          It’s really hard for me to put this piece out here. Lived and Drawn is a stream of consciousness piece I wrote while I was having an anxiety attack.
          I’ll let the piece speak for itself and leave this here. I’d love it if you checked it out, and love it even more if you would share it with anyone you think should see it.
          Thanks for all of your support, 
          Amanda xx


Hey everyone! "up there" is officially done and uploaded! I hope you've enjoyed it... if you haven't read it, feel free to check it out and tell me what you think. Coming soon is some really exciting work that I've had bouncing around in my head for a while. Save the date for an October 21st release doubled with a YouTube component! And who knows what November may bring...