
;; sorry for my little rant , but y'all need to hear this .
          	TAKE YOUR SMUT TO PM !!!!
          	like come on , there's kids on here . you might be a kid . the person you're smutting it up with might be a kid . i know it can put you on the pedophile list if you're in the US of A if your sexting ( fun fact : it don't have to be your titties of dickies to be sexting . any explicit material , including words, sent over message format is sexting . the more you know . ) someone under age . ( don't know about other countries , but still . don't be a pedo . ) 
          	from this point on , i'm unfollowing anyone who's smut shows up in my newsfeed and reporting the account if on message board or the story if it's in a story . ( harsh , i know , but it is breaking wattpad rules . )
          	thank you for your time .


[ @allmustyield ]
          	  ;; very true . and quite poetic . i read that in like a shakespearean voice .


; RiChIIiiIe- cOme bAcK :'(


@allmustyield //THATS DOESNT MATTER


[ @thebetterstark ]
            ;; what about your right one ?


@the_wintersoldier //RICHIE YOU CAN SUCK MY LEFT TOE


;; sorry for my little rant , but y'all need to hear this .
          TAKE YOUR SMUT TO PM !!!!
          like come on , there's kids on here . you might be a kid . the person you're smutting it up with might be a kid . i know it can put you on the pedophile list if you're in the US of A if your sexting ( fun fact : it don't have to be your titties of dickies to be sexting . any explicit material , including words, sent over message format is sexting . the more you know . ) someone under age . ( don't know about other countries , but still . don't be a pedo . ) 
          from this point on , i'm unfollowing anyone who's smut shows up in my newsfeed and reporting the account if on message board or the story if it's in a story . ( harsh , i know , but it is breaking wattpad rules . )
          thank you for your time .


[ @allmustyield ]
            ;; very true . and quite poetic . i read that in like a shakespearean voice .


hi my name is ricardo and im just soooooooooooooo perfect. i walk around with swag and even though i don't think so, i am a god


[ @allmustnotyield ]
            ;; i can throw perfection ? sounds like a lame power .