
Someone's watched too much Shane Dawson. Now you go around thinking I'm a sociopath I bet. "1 in 25 people are sociopaths" totally fueled that "I don't feel comfortable talking to people with your problems". Thanks. I don't feel comfortable talking to over-dramatic people like you. Bye.


Someone's watched too much Shane Dawson. Now you go around thinking I'm a sociopath I bet. "1 in 25 people are sociopaths" totally fueled that "I don't feel comfortable talking to people with your problems". Thanks. I don't feel comfortable talking to over-dramatic people like you. Bye.


I know I'm a day early and that you probably won't see this, but happy birthday! I hope you know how much I care about you. How much we all do. You are beautiful. And you can get through this. You can get through anything. And I will always be here to cheer you on. You are not alone! I'm sending you a virtual hug and lots of birthday cake. Lots of love! ❤