
Hi all - I just posted chapter 4 to 'Who's that girl?' 
          	I know it's pretty random since I haven't posted a chapter for a long time, but I actually had this chapter written up already for months I just never typed it out. But I had some time off work and I got bored, so I typed! Good news is, I liked typing it and reading my story again, so I'm going to try hard to get to the next chapter. 
          	I know I don't have many reads / comments / votes yet but I'm really grateful for those who do read it - I'd love some opinions on the story and characters.


Hi all - I just posted chapter 4 to 'Who's that girl?' 
          I know it's pretty random since I haven't posted a chapter for a long time, but I actually had this chapter written up already for months I just never typed it out. But I had some time off work and I got bored, so I typed! Good news is, I liked typing it and reading my story again, so I'm going to try hard to get to the next chapter. 
          I know I don't have many reads / comments / votes yet but I'm really grateful for those who do read it - I'd love some opinions on the story and characters.


Hi guys!
          I posted chapter 3 of 'Who's that girl?' Yaaaaaaaaaaay me.
          PLEASE take a look - If you haven't read any of the book yet it's only 3 chapters long, so it won't take up much of your time. If you don't like it that you don't have to carry on, but if you do please let me know so I can continue writing for you.
          Thanks guys


Hi all, I just posted chapter 2 of my 'Who's that girl?' story.
          So excited that I got it done - I'm really looking forward to some critiques. I'm curious to see if my writing has changed between chapter 1 and 2, since I wrote them 3 years apart.
          I know I completely ditched this website for 3 years, buy please take a small amount of time to read my new story. I'm really excited about it because I'm getting the writing bug back. Votes would be amazing <3
          I'm already 2 word pages in to chapter 3 :)


I'm back people.
          Wow, I've not really been working on my stories for about 3/4 years. That's such a long time it's insane. I've finished college, been unemployed and now have a job in all that time!
          I have read over my story 'pregnant and all alone' and I honestly hate it. I think it's awful and I was far too young to be writing a story like that, seeing as I'd not experienced any of that and couldn't really write anyway. I WILL post an epilogue to that story, which I have already started, but then in a few months I'll be deleting it because it honestly sucks. But you guys deserve an epilogue.
          I did, however enjoy the first chapter of my other story, 'who's that girl?' so much so that I've decided to carry on with it. I've changed a fair bit of the story, including the description, characters names and some other small bits and I've re-uploaded it. I would be so grateful if you could take another read of it, seeing as the last time you read it was probably 3 years ago! 
          I'm not expecting all 81 of my lovely fans to read, vote and comment but I am eternally grateful to those who do, as I've love some real feedback on this story. I'm about half way through the second chapter now as well, so hopefully I'll be posting a new chapter by about Tuesday/Wednesday!
          ~ Here's to a bright future to all of us. I feel so inspired lately and I'm actually in a good enough place that I can put words to paper now. I think when I gave up on my stories I had nothing to work for, but I feel much better.
          Thanks for reading my stupidly long post. xx


I did it! I did it! Sorry, I didn't upload the epilogue to Pregnant & all alone.. 
          Buttttt, I did upload the very first chapter of my new story!
          Please please please check it out, I really want your opinions, I want to know if I've improved with my writing skills, please comment on it!


September 17th.... the day I last uploaded.
          I am soooo sorry my beautiful fans! <3
          I was just starting college that week, so I guess I just jumped right back into college like and forgot all about my story. For 7 months.. oops.
          I'm only writing this because I opened my story today on my laptop for probably the first time in those 7 months.. I was freaked out to see that my story was 100 pages exactly, it felt nice in an OCD way! But then I wrote 5 lines on papge 101 and the illusion was shattered...
          I'm rambling, sorry. Basically you guys deserve the epilogue of the story and I haven't yet provided one, but I have written 5 lines.. yay?
          Although I wrote 5 lines, I had zero motivation and I practically forced them out of me, so I don't know when I will be able to provide an epilogue. I will try, though, I really will. The only thing is, is that I got  my very first smartphone for Christmas, and I've been on my laptop like 95% less than I used too haha, my phone took over my life! I get on my laptop maybe once a week, maybe once per fortnight, so it'll be hard, but if I'm on the laptop for a whole afternoon I should get some good writing done.
          So ... theres my update, because you clearly deserved one!
          I don't know when, but eventually there will be an epilogue.
          Love you all <3<3,3


Ohh I didn't upload by the 12th I'm so sorry!
          Buttt, I literally only have 3 more pages to type up, which I would do right now but my battery is about to run out so I WILL finish it later I PROMISE!
          Last chapter, too! -tear- 
          There will be an epilogue though so don't panic at the cliffhanger end! ;D
          Love you guysss xx