
I’m writing a new book <3
          	It’s called All The Lies|| M.R
          	About to publish it :)


Sooo I've been offline for too long and I am back and motivated! Any story I've been reading of yours or not has been archived. I am working my way from one book then archiving it and un-archiving the next. Anyway and suggestions for the new book I am writing then let me know also, I AM SO PROUD OF THIS NEW BOOK PLEASE READ IT it's really bad writing but i think I am super motivated to actually work on it!


Sorry I haven’t been updating I joined my schools volleyball team and my brother plays football so we’ve been kinda busy! I won my game yesterday though soo.. anyway I will try to get an update in on a book, also I think I’m going to restart ‘Love is a B!tch Somtimes’ because I have another idea for it and I want to add some “americaness” to it if that makes sense anyway if you have any ideas please help and if you want to co write a book just let me know


this message may be offensive
I confessed my love to my crush which is my ex and well uhh it went good acutally until the next day I asked if he still like me and he said "Nah I like _____ ________" I was like damn! Cause he likes my best friend.... but it's ok cause he is also my best friend so I'm just gonna pretend our relationship didn't get fucked up. Please help I am being held captive by my chromebook


Ya'll bffr. Like bro, I was writing and my computer was glitching out like a bi- and I was like wtf?! Then my puppy had to get put down cause she had parvo and i'm like girl... but other than that, I went off roading today lol and I fractured my ankle so that was fun! Ok i should prob go to sleep even though I'm not going to