
worst habit: writing about supernatural movies and tv shows but replacing the characters and not saying it’s a rendition of one of those supernatural movies or tv shows and then your readers pointing it out even though you definitely know and they definitely do too.


@dana_gurl hehehe I write it then realise once published but I’ll consider this 


          	  Like u can just say that u took the idea-


worst habit: writing about supernatural movies and tv shows but replacing the characters and not saying it’s a rendition of one of those supernatural movies or tv shows and then your readers pointing it out even though you definitely know and they definitely do too.


@dana_gurl hehehe I write it then realise once published but I’ll consider this 


            Like u can just say that u took the idea-


So would you guys mind if I edit some of the imagines in my WDW book? some of the typos and grammar is TERRIBLE and I have a bit of time now in quarantine..! 
          On that note, I hope ALL of you are safe right now and are healthy - make sure to look after your loved ones and yourself ❤️




@alluringheart sure those are your books after all!! 


Hey guys!! 
          Feels super weird to be giving an update status,
          I have been extremely inactive due to school, relationships, personal health and a W H O L E lot more x 
          I love writing it’s just such a hard task balancing it with everything else so there will be updates but extremely s l o w w w w w w w w w w w w w
          May I also just add how much I love every single comment, I get filled with excitement by others and even the random little ones I don’t respond to I love reading x thank you for being awesome followers I guess! 
          All is said now though, so until I make future-ish book updates, thank you for the love xxxx