Meme #2 (You might not know this)
*Me:Minding my own business*
*My alter ego ( idk who tf should be this person): Enters my room*
Alter Ego: "sToP eVerYthIng!1"
Me: "wHo ArE YOu?"
Alter Ego: "i'M YoU."
Me:"You cAn'T bE mE! i'm mE,yOu'rE yOu. WhO aRe yOu?"
Alter Ego: "No nOt 'YOu', My nAmE iS yOu."
Me: "thAt's rEalLy cOnfuSinG...WHy arE YOu IN MY rOoM You?"
Alter Ego: *Does the nae nae* "I cOmE fRom tHe fuTurEeEe!1"
I'ma post memes daily. Or should I make a book?