I need to get updating it's been like forever. SO SO SORRY GUYS. Thank you for anyone who read " Cherish Those Moments" You guys are the best ! Should I still continue ? xx Zariana Moments
I need to get updating it's been like forever. SO SO SORRY GUYS. Thank you for anyone who read " Cherish Those Moments" You guys are the best ! Should I still continue ? xx Zariana Moments
I'm SO sorry that I haven't been updating for like weeks! I have been busy lately! I hope you guys understand. Well I'm going back to school soon. So I'll be continuing on days that I have a chance too! I hopefully will make and finish more stories
Xx Zariana Moments
Updating today <3 Sorry for a week long wait! Tell me what you think about it (: SUPER SORRY ! I've been busy. I hope it will be up tonight (:Thank you from the moon and back <3