hi hi hi hi hi hi Hi Hi Hi Hi HI HI HI HI!!! Ahem... Hai dere!!! Doctor Who, eh? I LOVE DOCTOR WHO!!! And One Direction… lots of other things too. I can't even list dem all. It would take alllllll day long. I haz to ger to school today and tomorrow… den I stay home Thursday and Friday. And I don't know why I said dat!!!! Well I am president noodle, leader of Narnia. Da noodle race lives dere. Meh husband ish Zayn Malik and dis ish meh cat \(^._.^)/ Cinnamon III ish his name. He ish second command in Narnia, and ish also a ninja cat. He thinks humanoids are puny :| yay!! I am crazeh!! Well I followed simply because I can, and i hope ya love me and read meh books. Even if I haven't wrote a Doctor Who fan fic yet. I am waiting to write dat after I finish meh current fan fic I am writing. If ya love me, read it peas? I really need some reads and all da ppl who say they'll read it haven't… *whispers* I think dey lied. Could ya let me know if it ish any good, too? I rlly need some feedback dere. If ya love meh personality, check out meh journal too!! Yay lets be friends!! I will read two books of your choice because I kner you probably won't accept da offer if I don't. Dats how bad I think meh writing ish. Ah well, hope ya accept! And I you ever need me, I am here! FISH FINGERS AND CUSTARD! Wha? Oh nothing. Please accept, I really need it. Bai now!! :3